

Coordinating BGSU’s efforts to be a more sustainable institution

Tree Planting Service Project


The 办公室 校园的可持续发展 operates within 校园操作 to fulfill three overarching goals established through BGSU's "气候行动计划"和"战略计划" to achieve institutional carbon-neutrality 到2040年.

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13 LEED Certified Buildings

Following BGSU's 气候行动计划, all new construction & major renovations pursued by BGSU will strive for LEED Silver certification.




The stations were paid for through a grant from Clean Fuels Ohio and the U.S. 能源部, with BGSU's Student Green 倡议 Fund matching the grant to provide enough funding for the stations.



The Green Office Certification program encourages departments and offices to engage in environmentally sustainable actions within their office.

Green Office Certification


79 Approved Green Fund Proposals

到目前为止, close to $2 million of sustainability projects have been funded on campus, with an impact of reducing waste, reducing emissions or sustainable education.

Student Green 倡议 Fund

可持续发展的 倡议


BGSU has completed the 气候行动计划, which drives sustainability at the University. The CAP has outlined the current status of sustainability as well as areas for planned improvement. The University has set the goal of being 碳中和 到2040年!


Fund Your 可持续性 Idea!

Do you have an idea that can help make BGSU more environmentally-friendly? Learn how you can receive funding to make your green dream come true!



BGSU offers single-stream recycling throughout campus, meaning all recyclables go into the recycling bin and non-recyclables go into the landfill bin. Recyclables include office paper and newspaper, 塑料瓶子, 纸板, 铝罐和钢罐, 还有玻璃瓶! Follow the guidelines provided on the signage to help ensure items are placed into the correct bin.



Join the 办公室 校园的可持续发展 for sustainable service projects and volunteering opportunities. Fun events include Friday Night Lights, Green Game Day, and the Campus ReStore, along with others! Stay up to date on BGSUServes to ensure you don't miss an opportunity to be more sustainable.


的列表 绿色的猎鹰

安德里安·利·特劳特, 安德鲁·伦纳德, 安琪拉柄, 安娜Loar, 安妮特Oberhaus, 阿里尔Kasler, 阿什利·凯利, 阿什利·妮可·哈特曼, 阿什利·罗伯, 秋玉露扎, 艾娃塞维利亚, 芭芭拉·亨利, 本Batey, 贝齐约翰逊, 比尔Huepenbecker, Bo布拉德利, 鲍勃Gangwer, 鲍勃垃圾箱, 布莱恩·哈斯, Bryna沃克, 迦勒岛, 现任女友罗宾逊, 卡尔顿巴克, 卡莉·希区柯克, 卡罗琳·布鲁克斯, 嘉莉Hamady, 凯瑟琳灰色, 追逐羊毛, 切特Hesson, 克洛伊J. Fry, Christoph Johnson, Christopher M. Rump, Christopher Sean O'Dell, Christopher W. Chandler, Cindy Ducar, Clare Barratt, Clayton Genson, Cole Aten, Colleen Yarger, Craig L. Zirbel, 辛西娅·安妮·斯皮特勒, Dana Prenger, 丹尼尔·雅各布斯, Danijela Tomic, 达西Miesmer, 大卫Okhimamhe, 大卫Tobar, 黎明Shinew, 黎明Vollmar, 黛博拉一个. Novak, Deborah Slosberg, Dennis M. 黛安·梅耶. Gladieux,博士. Ellen Gorsevski博士. 加布里埃尔·马特尼博士. Jennifer Wolter, Dryw Dworsky, Dustin Sabo, Dylan Bunn, Dylan M. 范霍恩, 迪伦·罗伯特·斯隆, Elainie Lillios, Eli Kofi Avickson, 艾丽丝艾德里安, 艾米丽Gerome, 艾米丽索莫斯, 艾琳Heilmeier, 伊娃Lytmer, 伊芙琳史密特, Geizi亚, 恩史密斯, 恩史密斯, 恩典Waterstradt, 汉斯Wildschutte, 海蒂夸夸其谈的人, 希尔达米兰达, 有请艾萨克Finkbeiner, 伊莎贝拉·罗斯·麦克劳克林, Isela雷耶斯, 杰达莱利, Jaiden McQuillin, 杰米Schimmoeller, 杰瑞德罗斯, 杰伦·詹姆斯·唐纳德, 琼Wongrowski, 詹卡, 珍妮花的祝福, 詹妮弗·方, 詹妮弗•刘易斯, 詹妮弗·塞尔, 杰西卡Breyley, 杰西卡吻, 吉莉安Darst, 吉姆elsas, 乔尔·威尔逊, 约翰道格拉斯大厅, 约翰·汉弗莱, 约翰击打, 乔纳森Kershaw, Jordyn Lamirand, 我和我的朋友约西亚, 茱莉亚•柯林斯, Kass Fynch, 凯萨琳·迈克布莱德, 凯蒂器皿, Kayden凯利, Kaymarie Straley, 凯利艾弗里, 凯利摩根, Kelton霍夫曼, 金正日摩根, 金正日Waterfield, Kimberlyn布鲁克斯, 克里斯汀恐慌, 克里斯汀Rudisill, Kyla Oswalt, 劳拉·J. 摩尔, 劳拉·兰德里·迈耶, 劳伦·伊丽莎白·塞布林, 莉娅·安妮·凯斯勒, 莉娜的比萨, 莱斯利里浦, 岁的西蒙, 林赛•詹金斯, 洛根Saum, 洛娜硬粘土, Lorreine Delille, 卢克•约翰逊, 玛德琳·奥利维亚·伦迪, 玛德琳Duntley, 玛德琳·凯勒, 麦迪逊Demshar, 麦迪逊Estep, 玛丽亚深紫红色的, 玛塞拉Spann, 马库斯Twyford, 玛丽亚·戴维斯, 玫琳凯·英克洛特·海瑟, Mary-Jon Ludy, 马修·基夫, 麦肯齐Livecchi, Meggan Hartzog, 梅根·穆雷, Meghana Shivakumar, 美琳娜贝尔, 梅丽莎Partin-Harding, 梅丽莎·韦伯, 迈克尔·斯托克斯, 迈克尔Zickar, 米莎《, 摩根李, 南希·C. 帕特森, 纳撒尼尔·诺克斯, 尼古拉斯Fenstermacher, 尼古拉斯轩尼诗, 尼古拉斯Golini, 妮可Whitmer, Oluwafunilayo Oyetunji, 佩奇Blauvelt, 佩吉·凯瑟琳·布罗克威, Pasquale Tosto, 丽贝卡·L. 斯金纳绿色, 丽贝卡碎片, 雷金纳德杰克逊, 蕾妮王硕, Rob Kozar, 罗宾·维奇, 罗德尼·弗莱明, 露丝白色, 萨曼莎·盖茨, 萨曼莎Reighard, 萨曼莎Reighard, 萨曼莎威滕伯格, 塞缪尔·卡尔·拉曼库萨, 桑迪卡里姆, 萨拉·阿玛, 萨拉米. 轮, 肖恩·库克, 谢Quiroga, 雪莉霍纳, 苏珊娜Saunders-O 'Herron, 悉尼他泊, Tarika萨特, 塔莎福特, 泰勒Vanek, Tiago Gobetti Gaboardi, 蒂莫西·桑达斯基, Tionge Matangula, 丹尼尔·恰克斯, Vipa Phuntumart, 温迪·曼宁, 威廉·C. 帽店小., Zach Nemec, Zachary Hayes, Zachary Noesen

办公室 校园的可持续发展 logo
新-恢复-商标- 2020

Updated: 04/01/2024 02:10PM